2011年 6月 21日 の記事

Seattle Challenge – #3, Ocean Alexander 68 PHMY

I met a longtime friend of mine, Mrs. Kelly @ the Ocean Alexander Headquarter Seattle. She is kind enough to help and address me to go forward my business.

She showed me brand new Ocean Alexander 68 PHMY. It’s modern interior with mixture of straight line and traditional yacht curves.

I like the large master state room with big circle port light.

I’m gonna meet her soon for sure.

シアトルの事務所に勤めていた頃からの友人である「Mrs. Kelly」とOcean Alexanderのオフィスで会った。


Ocean Alexanderの68フィートPilot House Motor Yachtを見せてもらった。サテンフィニッシュの木室内艤装で、直線的なデザインとボート独特のカーブのミックスがモダンなデザインです。

Lower Deckのマスタールームは、両舷の丸い舷窓が室内を明るくし、閉塞感は全くありません。


Seattle Challenge – #2, SELEN Seattle

I met with Selene Seattle office manager and yacht brokers.

I have known him since I met him in Taiwan.

He took me to take a look at Selene boat. It’s well done interior and nice wood finish.

They are heading toward much larger boat and I believe interior design is one of the most important aspects for the boat.





Seattle Challenge – #1

I have arrived Seattle and it’s quite chilly in here.

I took Delta airline this time because that’s the only direct airline from Japan.

I arrived on Sunday, so I walked around downtown Seattle.

It’s Seattle and I feel to be back!


今回はDelta Airlineのフライトです。成田-シアトル間の直行便はDeltaしかないのですね。私が居た頃は「American」や「Northwest」など色々あったのですが・・
