Pershing meets Poltrona Frau
- 2011年 11月 30日
- カテゴリー : Design . Motor Yacht / Boat
- コメントを書く
Italian high performance motor yacht manufacture, Pershing, is using Poltrona Frau top quality leather.
Poltrona Frau is well-known Italian furniture maker and has distributor around the world.
Their top quality leather is used on settee leather, bolster and upholster items.
Two top brands collaborate on one high end product that creates synergy influence on both sides.
We have strong connection with upholster manufacture and always looking for someone with who can collaborate to get the synergy.
イタリアのハイパフォーマンスボート「パーシング」はPoltrona Frau (ポルトローナフラウ)のレザーを使用しています。
イタリアのPoltrona Frauは社歴も長く、世界的に有名なファニチャーメーカーです。