アーティストのErik Filbanさんと久し振りに会った。最近はシアトルと東京をプロジェクトで行ったり来たりと忙しくしています。

彼との付き合いは、114フィートのAlexa C2からなので、10年来になる。



I met my friend Erik Filban in Tokyo. He has been back and forth between Tokyo and Seattle for the project.

I have knowing him for about a decade since he involved with 114’ motor yacht Alexa C2.

We talked about a lot of things over drinks. Talk about recent activities, global economic and Japanese nationality in Asia region. Erik’s point of view is very deep insight with sense of care. That different angle of thinking makes me seeing things wider and deep.

He may apply the big art exhibition, so I’m looking forward to seeing his art work.

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