カテゴリー : Miscellaneous

New Office Layout

I’ve changed my office layout to add 2 new desks and chairs and shelf.

I’ve got office furniture from my friend company’s owner.

Shelf goes meeting table and display some arts, like glass art.

Width 1200mm desk is big enough to work effectively.

New desk is waiting for new stuff of my company.






Cruising Spot @ center of Tokyo



It opens new 20m port at Nihonbashi in Tokyo. The location is very convenient in center of downtown Tokyo.

There is a bridge thru this port, so it eliminates certain size of boat. Tokyo is a waterfront big city and used to be water/sea friendly city. This kind of movement is very important to appeal one of Tokyo’s characteristic from the sea.

Paint Booth by Shrink Wrap

簡易ペイントブースを、足場を組んでシュリンクラップで覆っていました。これで雨風は勿論、ペイントの大敵である埃から守られますね(Dust Freeのペイントブースでは無いので、ある程度だとは思うが・・)。


このShrink Wrap、色々な用途でも使えます。カバーする形状に制約が無い所がメリットですね。

Temporary boat paint booth is built by pipe structure covered by shrink wrap.  To build this booth is protect from rain and wind while painting. More importantly protect from the dust, however, this is temporary booth, it’s not perfect as dust free paint booth.

The special sheet, shrink wrap, is attached together to give the certain heat by looks like hair dryer.

Shrink wrap’s feature is the sheet can cover any shape of things. Even the odd shape like boat engine can cover by it.

Android AU

AUユーザーとして、発表になったスマートフォン、「Android IS03」を検討しています。


昨今のi-Padやスマートフォンなどの電子デバイスを使いこなす事によって、仕事の効率・方法が変わると思います。こないだのFort Lauderdaleのボートショーでも、i-Padを使って、ボートのプレゼンテーションを行っており、スピード感がありました。

今からですと、Android IS03は予約をしても年内は難しいそうです。初めは、携帯を予約して買う?という疑問がありましたが、予約をしてでも買いたい、という商品の訴求力があるのだと思います。AndroidのWebを含めたPR活動も、eye catchyですしね。

I’m thinking to buy AU’s smart phone “Android IS03”.

I don’t have any problem current cell phone “iida”. I have to say I don’t use all function of it. I’m using cell phone on the business, so I have to catch up with easy use current new technology.

I’m imaging  if I use i-Pad and smart phone, it’s gonna be easier and speedy to make a presentation and could be use on daily business work.

Even I order Android now, I can get it by next January. The items appeals to people itself function and new items. At the same time, Android PR, using famous people, is very nice to catch people eyes and heart.

Ship of Art – Fastener boat



